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ControlUWP bundles most important settings with PowerShell Scripts

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Are you a lover of PowerShell and play with Windows 10 Settings using commands? A very simple tool ControlUWP, developed by Belim on Github is especially for you. You might know Belim who developed Privatezilla and bloatbox earlier. This tool allows you to handle most recommended settings with Windows PowerShell scripts and everybody can map his favorite settings as he wants.

ControlUWP is a replica of the Windows 10 settings, but of course with even more functions. The structure is like all apps from “Builtbybel” and you don’t have to get used to it. In the menu, you will find the Apps, Ease of Use, Edge, Games, Time and Language, Network and Internet and Update and Security. But also others that do not offer the settings.

ControlUWP bundles Windows 10 settings in one place

Here is what you can do with ControlUWP –

All settings and links on ControlUWP that can be opened are based on PowerShell script (* .ps1) and you can also add your own. You could create a custom control panel under Windows 10 as per your preferences using every link or direct setting that is marked. This is a big advantage over other tools.

A click on a setting on the interface will reveal the PowerShell script at the bottom.  Furthermore, you are able to select Add and Save to include extra commands from your computer.

Clicking Apply will prompt the built-in Windows Settings to preview the changes are implemented successfully.

The developer says this is the first version and he will certainly introduce improvements there soon. The app is simply wonderful and we should appreciate him for his creation.

Download ControlUWP from here.

Release note.


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