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Download Facebook Nanny to Disable Facebook till Notification

Facebook is a nice way to be in touch with someone else. In cyberspace, no other media is as popular as Facebook. Nowadays people around the globe are been much more attached to Facebook. People’s day to day activity begins with updating Facebook status in every morning and their activity lasted in bed after sharing matter to lots of Facebook friend through Facebook accounts. These states badly affect the professional efficiency of Facebook enthusiastic and reflect into the performance of persons. To shun evil act, Google produces solution, which is called ‘Facebook Nanny’. It is an important application to keep people away for frequent use of Facebook.

As you know, people using Facebook never want to miss to view any notification and such act compelled a user to refresh their Facebook page plenty of time. Google works feebleness on users and develops an application ‘which makes Facebook disable until new Notification comes or need to chat with someone’. The worthy ‘Facebook Nanny’ application to be installed on Chrome browser. After installing ‘Facebook Nanny’ you may be attached to Facebook quite easily, whenever any new notification appears to you. Now, I am going to show the way of installing ‘Facebook Nanny’ on Chrome browser.

As I mentioned above, it is chrome application and you know all Google applications are available at Chrome Web store. Therefore, you need to access Chrome Web Store after then do as I suggest below.

  • Go to Chrome Web Store and search for ‘Facebook Nanny’ application. Find download link to ‘Facebook Nanny’ on a similar page.
  • You may start process of  Downloading  ‘Facebook Nanny’ after Clicking Here
  • Now click ‘Add to Chrome’ button and allow access to your Facebook data.

These are simple steps to activate Facebook Nanny application on Chrome browser. The application works beautifully and prevents users to access Facebook without having any single notification or need to chat with someone.

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