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Download Google Search App and Chrome Browser for Windows 8, 10

Google reminds all their esteemed users, if you are moving or moved to acquire new Microsoft Product ‘Windows 8’, you won’t be evaded to services of Google Products. As you know Bing would be default search engine and Internet Explorer 10 would be the default browser if you switch to Windows 8.

Such instance could be not acceptable by most Internet users because they could not think beyond Favorite Google products. To help all such Internet users, Google has designed and built a new Google Search App and Chrome Browser for Windows 8. In fact, Google has created a new site to help you get back Google for Windows 8.

google chrome for windows 8

The Chrome browser for Windows 8 is same as you are very much familiar. It delivers fast and secure web experience. Its customization to optimize touchscreens including larger button keeps Chrome next to other favorite Windows 8 Apps.

The Google Search app comes with user-friendly interface. Search App has the service of Voice search, which lets you speak question. Its image search and previews are made for swiping. You may get instant Google results just after typing a query in the search box. The Appearance of Doodles, which denotes special occasions, is intact with Google App.

To ‘download ‘Get Your Google Back’ click below web address: –

Google Search for windows 8

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