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Easily and Quickly Delete VPN Connection on Windows 10

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How to Easily and Quickly Delete VPN Connection on Windows 10 – Earlier we have compiled a substantial number of articles corresponding to Cellular, WiFi, and Dial-up Networks. VPN is another popularly acknowledged means in order to access data on the machine. When you connect your machine to VPN, service provider support agents execute most of the operations and you remain unknown about deleting the same. Notwithstanding, we have already written a post to remove it manually, here you will go through a novice method to Easily and Quickly Delete VPN Connection on Windows 10.

A Script to eliminate distinct VPN connections pretty efficiently is placed on Technet. This Script requires to being executed via Powershell and once you complete this work you observe an index of connections employed on your system.

How to Easily and Quickly Delete VPN Connection on Windows 10

  • Navigate to the TechNet page by hitting this link.
  • Click “” button to start the downloading.
  • Once the download ends up, perform a right click on “DeleteVPNConnections” and choose Extract Files.
  • Look for the “DeleteVPNConnections” folder and enter by double clicking on it.
  • Do a right click on “DeleteVPNConnections” script and select Run with PowerShell.
  • On Powershell, upon your Confirmation, show the list of all the VPN Providers you have used previously. You need to write their ID separated by comma just like – 1,2,3 and hit Enter. Within moments, the VPN will be Deleted.

Easily and Quickly Delete VPN Connection on Windows 10

  • Exit the Powershell and cheer up.
  • Apart from this, you can manually delete the VPN via Powershell. To Open write “Powershell” in Cortana search area, do a right click on the result written Windows PowerShell and choose the first option “Run as administrator”. If you experience trouble read – How to Run PowerShell as administrator in Windows 10


  • Upon emergence of UAC Pop-up click Yes.
  • Copy the command C:\script\DeleteVPNConnections.ps1 paste into PowerShell and hit Enter.
  • You again see the list of all the VPN, write the VPN IDs from the list separated by Comma and hit Enter.

One of the best advantages of this script is you can delete multiple VPN connections in one go. If you feel any difficulty to can navigate to the Support page for a query.


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