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Hide Running Applications Using Process Magic a command line tool

Process Magic is a command line tool that can be used to make an application which is running invisible or launch a new application in a hidden mode. The running application keeps on performing the task that it was doing before you put it in this invisible mode and works continuously at the back. When you wish to run some applications, but do not want it to be displayed on the desktop this application comes handy although the application can still be seen running in the task manager. It works on both 32-bit and 64-bit platforms from XP to the latest version of Windows. The interface is a command prompt window and it is easy to use it in automation scripts on your system.

How to use and work with Process Magic app

After downloading it on your system you just have to launch manually by navigating to the executable file in the command window. A screenshot of the command window is shown below when the executable file is directly opened and it displays a particular message as no command line has been provided yet. The message explains to you how to proceed with the Process Magic.

               Process Magic for Windows 8

The following general command is to be used when you want to hide a particular running application from the desktop when you have directly opened the executable file of the application.

ProcessMagic.exe [-h <pid> | <pname>] [-u <pid> | <pname>] [-n <process_file_path>]

The –h parameters give the command to the Process Magic to hide the running application. Now if you wish to be unhidden the application you just have to use the same command line but this time instead of –h you will use –u since it’s obvious with the notations that it follows. This is the only command that you have to keep in your memory to use Process Magic to hide and unhide applications. Many a times when you find some applications that irritate you simply because it can’t be minimized to the system tray the Process Magic serves the purpose in those cases.

Below I have shown some examples to supplement with what I have explained above. If you wish to unhide the process such as notepad that ends with exe you simply have to give the following command to hide apps.

ProcessMagic.exe -u notepad.exe

Key Features of Process Magic Application:

  1. It has a simplistic procedure and hide/unhide just one click.
  2. Process keeps on running even after hiding.
  3. Can hide existing process or a new process on launch.
  4. No installation is required to run this application.

Conclusion: It’s a very good app considering the way it reduces the task of hiding a process or making it visible again to a very simple method by taking the input of the command line in the console window. With such a minimal effort it becomes quite relieving for users to get away with the processes that they don’t want in the desktop making it cluttered. Thus it is a good try and can be used accordingly with the requirement.

Downloading Link:


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