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High Resolution Retina Wallpaper for iPad

When Apple introduced their new iPad in way back March 2012, one of the main features which attracts eyeball of each persons was availability of Retina Display features. Particularly, Retina Display features transform completely new iPad experience. Many of the apps have been upgraded its resolution due to match with Retina Display feature of iPad. Thus to enjoy Retina Display needs higher resolution wallpaper too. 2048 Pixels is known for producing higher resolution wallpaper. It offers high resolution free wallpapers to match with your Retina display iPad. It has clean design and easy navigation to download wallpapers directly from your iPad. Important thing is that any wallpaper downloaded from 2048 Pixels website could be used for commercial purpose.

Presently 2048 Pixels  has updated it websites with new Homescreen FX feature. The new feature gives freedom to edit available wallpapers as well as creates your own effects. The new 2048 pixels 2.0 with Homescreen Fx is available on your iPad. You can see wold best collection of retina wallpaper display and download it. The quality of Wallpaper are really amazing.

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