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How to Fix Lost Sign Out Button in Gmail

While working on a public computer, you always take the precautions for the safeguard of your data and practice to sign out of all the accounts that you have accessed before departing from the computer table. But sometimes when you attempt to exit from your Gmail account you get perplexed while being unable to trace out sign out button anywhere on the web browser.

Lost Sign Out Button in Gmail

Normally, for any web browser, the sign out button of Gmail is positioned when a click is implemented on the profile picture of the account holder on the supreme top right of the page. But what would anyone do when there seems no trace of the profile photo anywhere on the screen and this is the trouble that most of the users confronted with their Gmail accounts, believing it could be a provisional defect from Google’s side.

How to Fix Lost Sign Out Button in Gmail

First of all, we suggest to not get Panic while encountering Lost Sign Out Button in Gmail but read the How to Fix article to easily come out of the issue.

  • Slowly hover the pointer of your mouse on the just right area of the Notifications symbol, and produce a click on the vaguely detectable circle to observe the Google display image along with the Sign out button on right.

Sign out button of Gmail

This is the simplest technique but experts also advised to take care of some more things, see them below –

  • Inspect if the missing of the sign out button is confronted in an incognito mode of the same browser or not.
  • Give a shot to Gmail in other web browsers as well and try to understand its behavior.
  • Thirdly, disable all the labs features, if any of them is activated. To do this travel from Settings to Labs located at the head of the second last column. Scroll down and check the Disable radio box against each of the features and finally hit Save Changes.

This issue hardly lasts for a longer period of time but instead of getting panicked, this small hover technique will give you relief, especially on the times when you are on a public computer. If you have any other technique to dissolve this trouble, please do share with us.

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