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Barcode Software Windows 8 / 10 App – Generate Various Barcodes Easily

Barcode software is a free windows 8 barcode generation app. This beautiful app has been developed by the team of ConnectCode. The aim of this app is to lessen the time in the generation of Barcodes. The barcodes generated from this app is nice, easy to use, and clear. As this app is supported by ConnectCode, this company distributes its fonts and then allows its users to generate their own barcodes directly from any third party i.e. text editor app. The barcodes generated on this app are based on fonts and it consists of all those standards specified by ISO and GS1. These Barcodes meet all the necessary standards used in the industry. ConnectCode makes sure of the fact that whatever barcode you generate remains safe and secured.
The interface of this app is simple and easy to use. It has been created from the business point of view. You can create Barcodes on different modes like MS Word, MS Excel, Portrait, and some others. It explains the steps and every minor detail, that helps in learning how to use the app. Barcode Software app has just one single screen, this makes it fast and easy to work. Creating Barcodes is very easy on this app. A screenshot of generation of Barcodes on Excel sheet is shown below:

Barcode software Windows 8 app

You can have Barcode Software app from the link provided at the last of this article.

How to useBarcode Software Windows 8 App to generate different Barcodes 

This is a handy Barcode Software app and can be used on all Windows 8 devices. This app allows an adding a check Digit to the code which ensured its verification i.e you can add an invoice to the barcode after its generation. This invoice will identify the correct invoice while the payment is made, thus it helps in preventing payment in case there is an incorrect voice.

There are basically three Barcodes fonts present inside this window software and they are Code 39, Industrial 2 of 5, and Postnet. These three are used to convert plain text information into a new barcode. All you have to type the information on a text box whether it is MS Word, MS Excel, choice is really yours and then choose the desired barcode font from the Barcode Symbology dropdown, drag Check Digit option towards right (if you want to add a check digit in the code) and click on Encode button on the top right corner of the screen. It will automatically generate a new barcode. Now once, it has been created you can change the barcode font size any time you want, perfectly fits it there on the main document so that it looks more precise and clear. Once, you are done with the editing part, just copy this barcode and paste it on the main document. This barcode will get copied in the clipboard automatically. This is the way you generate a new barcode in the most efficient manner.


  1. The Barcodes generated here by this software follow the standard rules of Barcodes i.e proper spacing of bars, the ratio of thick to thin bars, etc. Once, the barcode is generated, it is rostered to printers resolution and this is not limited to DPI of computer screen. It means that Barcodes are safe to use and are clean, precise, and clear.
  2. There is one prerequisite of this software and that is you need to copy the three barcode fonts, in the “C:\Windows\Fonts” directory of your Windows 8 device. Then only you’ll be able to use the barcode in the other text editors where you are editing the main file. All you have to do is click on Export Fonts button and then select a local directory and export. Once, fonts get exported, open the exported fonts easily and then copy font files in *.ttf format and paste them in aforementioned directory.

Key features of Barcode Software app

  1. A Completely free app with neat and clean interface
  2. Create Your Barcodes using Fonts
  3. Barcodes could also be created in Excel, Word, Access, PDF or graphics design applications
  4. Barcodes fonts are also allowed for commercial purposes
  5. Allows Copying of Barcodes on to clipboard

Final Note:

Barcode Software is a nice Windows 8 app which helps you in generating Barcodes instantly. It works very fine and you will find a simple, clear, and easy barcode in few seconds while using this app. You can have this app from Windows Store under Business Category. Overall this is a good app for those who need to create Barcodes for their different products.

LinkBarcode Software

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