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Galaxy Note 10.1 N8000 How to Root on XXCMC3 Android 4.1.2 official Firmware

XXCMC3 Android 4.1.2 official Firmware was released a bit earlier to install on Galaxy Note 10.1 N8000. It had innovative XXCMC3 features that compel users to install particular firmware to Galaxy Note 10.1 N8000.  Now updates are available to Root Galaxy Note to XXCMC3 official firmware. As you know Rooting is an essential exercise to increase system accessibility. Whether you have installed XXCMC3 Android 4.1.2 firmware to Galaxy Note 10.1 N8000 and looking to enhance its capabilities then move to install Rooting updates. It can be done easily after following below tutorial.

In order to install Rooting updates, you are required to install ClockworkMod custom recovery to Galaxy Note 10.1 N8000. It facilitates Rooting exercise. Ahead of performing Rooting updates to Galaxy Note 10.1, users are needed to make slight changes in following orders:

  • Keep Galaxy Note 10.1 all essential phone memory data in another storage media to restore later on. It is seen that earlier phone memory data will be no longer existed once rooting exercise concludes.
  • Ensure that Galaxy Note 10.1 has remained 80% and more battery power to work smoothly on around Rooting exercise. If Galaxy Note 10.1 becomes nonfunctional due to battery shortage during installing Root updates in such condition unexpected error comes and makes device almost dead.
  • Install Galaxy Note 10.1 USB Drivers on your PC to connect both devices. While rooting activity users have to stay connect with PC and transferring flash files as well. At the earliest connection could be made through installed USB Drivers. If you have not installed proper USB Drivers of Galaxy Note 10.1 then choose appropriate link to download on PC.

Download Galaxy Note 10.1 N8000 USB Drivers 
Install All USB Drivers

  • When connection related issue remains same that you could not easily transfer files between PC and Galaxy Note 10.1 then you tend to activate USB Debugging function. Activated USB Debugging helps to make strong connection between both devices to easily transfer whichever flash files.

On confirming that above steps have been taken bit earlier then you move to install Rooting updates to Galaxy Note 10.1 N8000. Just follow underneath instructions and Root Galaxy Note 10.1 on XXCMC3 Android 4.1.2 official Firmware.

galaxy note 10.1

How to Root XXCMC3 Android 4.1.2 on Galaxy Note 10.1 N8000 Official Firmware:

Step 1

The process begins after installing Root XXCMC3 Android 4.1.2 Superuser Package to your computer.

Download Root XXCMC3 Android 4.1.2 Superuser

Step 2

Now ensure that ClockworkMod recover has been installed on your Galaxy Note 10.1 N8000.

Step 3

Then turn off your Galaxy Note 10.1 after then switch that device to function into Recovery Mode. The device turns into Recovery Mode after pressing and holding Volume Up + Volume Down + Power Button altogether for 15 seconds on after switching Galaxy Note 10.1.

Step 4

Now connect PC to Galaxy Note 10.1 that enters into Recover Mode. For connecting both devices you need to insert USB cable into appropriate slots of PC and Galaxy Note 10.1.

Step 5

Now copy earlier downloaded Root Package as ‘’from PC then paste the same to Galaxy Note Memory Card.

Step 6

Once into ClockworkMod Recovery, you have to wipe existing data then after scroll down to ‘flash zip from SD Card’ by pressing Power Button of your Galaxy Note 10.1.

Step 7

Moving ahead, users are required to press Power Button to navigate ‘choose zip from sdcard’

Step 8

After then navigate ‘’ file that copied to SD card. For navigation purpose, you use Volume Key of Galaxy Note 10.1 N8000. Then after select that zip file through Power Button. Just after that you see installation messages at screen. On seeing that message, you have to put your consent to install Root updates.

Step 9

When update installation process completes, you have to get access to ‘+++++Go Back’ then restarts Galaxy Note by selecting ‘reboot system now’. That restart function exists in Recovery Menu. The device hardly takes 5 minutes to reboot with Rooting updates. Finally remove USB cable and experience full system accessibility.

Caution: The process shown above to be applied to Root XXCMC3 Android 4.1.2 on Galaxy Note 10.1 N8000. It is strictly denied to follow the similar process to root other variants. If someone tries to Root other variants through above process that moves make devices nonfunctional.

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