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Guitar Lessons Beginners App for Windows 8 / 10 to Learn How to Play Guitar

Guitar Lessons Beginners is a fantastic Windows 8 app using which you could get access to beautiful tutorials on how to learn playing guitar effectively in a short span of time. This app uses textual as well as image instructions to make its users understand different concepts. You could easily learn the 1st level on this app for free. However, if you wish to learn the next levels you have to spend some money on this. The money which it charges is a reasonable price which anyone could afford. This app is mainly designed to give users a feeling of Guitar. It doesn’t require any prior information related to it. This app consists of 4 distinct levels out of which the 1st one is free. Going through its complete package would transform you into a good Guitar Player.

The interface of this app is designed in a very simplistic manner so that users find it very useful while running this app. There are a lot of facilities like 60 HD videos, and 52 lessons are provided along with this app. It consists of good pictorial instructions using which you could get a feel of how to play guitar. A screenshot of the interface of this app is shown below:

Guitar Lessons beginners app for Windows 8
You could have access to this app from the link provided at the last of this article. You could also search for this app under the Music and Video Category of Windows 8 App Store or you could simply use windows charm settings i.e.(Win+I).

How to Play Guitar using Guitar Lessons Beginners App

Once you have properly installed this app on your windows machine, a window will pop up like the above-shown screenshot. On the left Panel of this of its home, you could see three major things i.e. download, change language and Rate the app. You could download the tutorial videos using the download option. You could change the language of this app according to your comfort. At the center of its home page, you could see many blocks consisting of various information related to its 1st level. This is shown by Green Color. The rest of the levels are shown by Blue color which implies that they are locked. Once you spend a little money on them, they would be unlocked and their color too changes to green.

There is a sum total of 52 lessons. In each lesson, you could find video tutorials and image representations. You could watch the video tutorials in the full screen too using this app. Video Tutorial in this app is categorized into 2 distinct parts. They are Video and Slow. In each video tutorial, you could find sub videos. In Slow Mode, you could get access to its tutorials with extra features i.e. videos are shown in a zoomed view with frets, strings, and area within Rosette, etc. shown. However, in video mode, you’ll get to see the tutor as well. You could replay the video tutorials again and again.

This app tells everything in a precise manner which is assumed sufficient enough for the beginners.  At the initial lessons of the first level, the app is totally focused on describing the body parts of a guitar, and how to tune a guitar. Tuning is one big factor in playing guitar and getting the right sounds from it.

Key Features of Guitar Lessons Beginners app

  1. Easily Available and is Free of Cost App.
  2. Consists of 60 HD video Tutorials and 52 high-quality images.
  3. Supports 7 different international languages.
  4. A nice app to learn Playing Guitar online.
  5. No Promotion of Ads here.
  6. Provides tutorials from Franck Graziano who is a famous guitarist.
  7. Integrated with Windows 8 Search and Settings Charms.
  8. Loving and Uncluttered Interface.


Guitar Lessons Beginner is a worth trying app for all those who want to learn the basic principles of playing the guitar effectively in a very less period of time. It is an instrument which is liked by almost all types of people. It provides you excellent quality of the video which would help you in learning basic principles easily. The most important feature of its not advertising ads here on this app is really exciting as it helps you in do your work without losing your concentration. If you like this app, you could also buy its paid levels too. They are simple, easy to understand, and follow, and it’s okay if you need to spend a few bucks for getting more lessons. Overall, this is a good app of windows 8 app to learn to play guitar easily.


1 thought on “Guitar Lessons Beginners App for Windows 8 / 10 to Learn How to Play Guitar”

  1. I think there is two main parts to learning guitar…. 1. Finding a good teacher or course. 2. Practice a little everyday. I think you will be surprised how fast you can learn if you practice something a little bit everyday. Especially musical instruments like guitar. I really like the idea of the above app and will definitely check it out. Previously I found a great course online at best guitar course online – I hope you enjoy it as much as I have! I am still learning a little and improving everyday.

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