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How to install a portable application on your pendrive?

Pen drives are perhaps the smartest way developed yet, for transporting data. The sheer robustness accompanied by the small size of this storage device has made our PC experience comfort like never before. For those, who think of the pen drive as nothing more than data storage and traveling medium, the present article should serve as an eye opener as far as the usefulness of this micro storage device is concerned. There are a host of uses that pen drive can be put to One of them is ‘Portable Apps’.

We frequently face situations which require us to work on foreign machines. The work experience there can turn out to be quite tedious and uncomfortable as the ease with which you access applications (administrator permissions, passwords) or for that matter the absence of the requisite application you require to work with, become serious issues. How to deal with such a problem? This is where ‘Portable Apps’ come to your rescue.

This article tells you, that exactly how you may install a portable version of an application on your pen drive so that you never face a problem while working on a foreign machine. Follow the following steps if this tips carefully –

1. Enter the following address in your web browser –

Make Sure You Have Your pen drive Plugged in.

2. Once you reach the website’s homepage, you will see a download bar beneath the statement ‘Set Your PC Free’. It states ‘Download Now-Free’. Click on it.

3. Before installing a portable app, you need to have a portable app platform installed. The download bar to do the same is displayed below as ‘Download Now Source forge’. Click on it to download the portable app platform 11.0.

4. The next page appears where the download should start. Once the download finishes, you need to allow the application to run and reply positively to the anti-virus queries.

5. Shortly the installation of the platform starts.

Click OK on the language query, agree to the license terms, and once you are asked to enter the desired drive where you want to store the portable platform, browse and select your pen drive as the destination folder. Once the installation is complete, click on finish.
6. You will see a box appears on your desktop where it’s stated that the platform automatically has started searching for the ‘PORTABLE APPS DIRECTORY’ back at the portable apps website.

7. You will then see the ‘PORTABLE APPS DIRECTORY’ displayed before you. Choose from a host of options ranging from security apps as virtual keyboards, Anti-Viruses, animation applications as 3-D animators utility apps as disk defragmenters, instant scanners to portable versions of Google Chrome, Firefox and media players as VLC, home cinema, etc. Tick on one or more apps to select them and click next. The download should start.

8. Once the download is complete, the apps are all snugly placed in your pen drive, to be used Anywhere. The home screen of the portable apps platform appears before you with the list of apps downloaded. Just plug-in your pen drive in another computer, select the portable app you want to use and make someone else’s computer virtually your own as long as you use it.
The best part to this utility is that it acquires a measly 7 MB space of your pen drive and expands your usage options to limitless.

You may use the portable apps applications to directly download an app you urgently require to use. Thus friends, the tiny pen drive you use has more to it than you think. I hope I made you realize that.

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