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Internet Explorer 10 / IE10 – A web Browser Suitable for Business

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Industries and enterprises are growing fast. In this era almost every group depends on inter-net or intra-net, whether it be in fields of education or commerce or science. Indeed, the software and hardware classes and technology are also growing as a supplement to the growing industry. Many times, different questions are raised regarding the browser software to be used as a unique solution to any enterprise. Rather the manufacturers of each browser call themselves capable of handling an entire stack of web operations of every company. But if as a reference Microsoft Internet explorer is taken, we find a lot in it.

This topic relates to the question – Is Internet Explorer 10 Suitable for business? 

What are web browsers?

Simply saying web browsers enable us to view, and locate anything on World Wide Web. And it translates and displays the information of any webpage in HTML. Internet explorer 10 / IE10 is also such a web browser that enables us to operate online on the internet.

What are the points that one should check while opting a web browser?

  • Security issues relating to the security of your files from malware and hackers.
  • A browsing application that cannot be tracked.
  • Speed of translating and importing each web page.
  • Upload and download speeds.
  • Ability to use multi-tabs and windows easily and efficiently.
  • Good and sleek user interface (UI).
  • Supports extensions and other web-apps.

The features that make Internet Explorer 10 a better web browser

There are many features that Microsoft IE10 assembles in itself making it an advanced choice for corporate world. The primary promising features are:

  • Touch and bright interface, and applicable for PC’s, Tablets and Smartphones
  • Fast and dynamic graphic manipulation and translations; it’s a step ahead of many equivalent web browsers. The main reason is all resources are hardware accelerated. It is also known as GPU rendering, this helps in transferring the resource rendering from CPU to GPU, thus making browsing faster.
  • Also, the performance of Microsoft IE 10 is accelerated by the Powerful HTML 5 Engine.
  • The JavaScript in IE10 is SunSpider JavaScript, that’s faster than that of Google chrome or Firefox.
  • It maintains your privacy and security. This is a special property of IE10 by Microsoft that different company finds unique and worthy for use. It provides tracking protection and private browsing history. Not only has this it provided best security against malware, Adware and route infections, it has a multi-layered protection for any type of malicious file. According to an independent analysis by NSS Labs, it has the highest effectiveness against malware, Adware and other security biasing resources, reaching to 99.1% effectiveness. This is the top and best record among all reputed web browsers such as Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari etc.
  • Moreover, it has high compatibility with all kinds so firewalls and anti viruses.

Finally, we can openly say that not only Microsoft IE10 is a co-runner with other reputed web browsers, but also it is steps ahead to them at some places, so it is very apt for use in corporate world and enterprises.

There is a saying that – Unless you use you don’t understand. So I would recommend that you use IE10 and explore more about it!!!

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