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New Android features out baking Apple (iPhone)

Do you know that new phones with Android features have out-baked several pieces of Apple “i-phone”? If you have paid a sum of $200 for buying a new i-phone recently then you should know the harsh truth about it. You have been fooled.

HOW?? This must be the question raised in your mind. Here’s the thing which you should have known.

The iPhone 5 — released just seven months ago — is officially antiquated, with a slate of new Android and Windows Phone 8 devices leaving Apple looking several product cycles behind.

This reality came in the lime-light last week when Android’s intuitive personal assistant, Google Now, launched for IOS as part of the Google app. As this is an Android product, there is an enthusiasm among Apple followers. Using this app on IOS reminded me how stifling that Apple’s platform can be.

While Google Now runs constantly in the background on Android — for instance, anticipating when you’ll leave for work or what events you might enjoy attending — an iPhone user must make sure the app is open in order to use it.

The difference between now and when the?iPhone 5 was released last year is that Apple had a long winning streak on hardware and design. Now, Android has caught up. Smartphones such as the HTC One, the Samsung Galaxy S 4 and even the lower-tier HTC First meet or surpass the iPhone 5 on basic performance.

However, it should also be noted down that Windows Phone’s HTC 8X and Nokia Lumia 920 provide a similar combination of solid hardware and operating system, which is why US market-share doubled to 6 % last quarter.

Nothing less than a complete overhaul from the currently static and un-customizable platform will be competitive.

I knew I was choosing apps and ecosystem over lots of other features when I bought the iPhone 5. But now it feels like I paid $200 for a pretty-looking iTunes machine with a nice camera.

However I am in the market for an upgrade not just for choosing what is already been present for such a long time.

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