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QuizUp Android Game App – Review, How to Play and Win


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QuizUp is a recently launched Android Game App and considered as one of the best game you come across. It is an online gaming app gives you the opportunity to play with your  friends, challenge them on Android devices. It lets you play with other users. QuizUp Android Game App consists wide topics starting from the Arts, History, Geography, Maths (easy, simple and hard) to Movies, TV series, Games, and many others quiz contest. QuizUp is a very addictive game, but this can help you a lot in making yourself fast at different things whether it be Grammar, Missing Words, Complete Saying or simple mathematics calculation on Android. I am writing here review and how to play this game and win.

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The interface of this app is neat and clean. A screenshot of this app has been shown below:

QuizUp Android Game App - Review, How to Play and Win

This is the home screen of QuizUp Android app where you can see about different games you play with your friends. It shows many topics here like: Favorite topics which consists of all the topics you have played until now on this game for more than twice. QuizUp also gives the description on how many games the results were not viewed and outnumbered results. A link has been provided at the last of this article from where you can access this app.

 How to Use QuizUp Android Game App

When you first install this app on your smartphones, it will ask you to log in and it has many options to do that like Facebook, Google, Twitter etc. Choose the one according to your own choice. I have chosen the Google account as I wish to challenge specific people on my friend list. There are three lines at the right topmost corner of the screen, just click on this and a new screen will be opened which is shown below:

QuizUp Android Game App - Review, How to Play and Win

Here, in the above picture you can see various options present to you. Your awards would be shown in the Achievement section, friend list of your account is present in Friends and the chat with them is stored in Messages. You can also enter the discussion section to talk about different topics with different online users.

In the settings option, you can adjust Music, Sound effects, Vibration and Privacy Mode.You can also manage Push Notifications and other accounts directly from here. It also shows Profile and you can change it as well according to your own wish. Let’s go on how to play this game.

How to Play QuizUp Android Game

In the above picture, you can see an option Topics. Clicking on this opens up a large number of options in front of you to play. Just choose the one which entertains you the most and you have some knowledge about that. I will chosen Hard Math here. Let’s us see what happens.

QuizUp Android Game App - Review, How to Play and Win

As you can see, I have various topics with me to try upon in the above screenshot. This is only a subsection Education. Now you can imagine how wide topics would be there in its various sections like Art, History, Photography, TV series, Movies, English etc. Well, the moment you chose any of the topic you have four options. Use Challenge option to challenge your friends on any topic. If they are online they can play at the same time otherwise when they come online. The results would be displayed only when both the players play this game. You can use Play Now option to play with some random user.

I choose here to play with random user.  A screenshot of my game play is shown below. It asks 6-7 questions out which the last consists of twice the weight of others remaining questions. There is a time limit too. The fast you reply, you get the more marks. Each question carries 20 marks. If you answer any question correctly, the green light would appear otherwise the red one will appear.

QuizUp Android Game App - Review, How to Play and Win

When you both complete the quiz, it shows the final result. In my case, it is shown below. Well, I won this match.

QuizUp Android Game App - Review, How to Play and Win

There are some options too after you win or lose the game. Rematch is the option to play with the same user again. It depends on the user whether he/she wants to play with you or not. Play Another is other option to play with some other existing users. As, you win your level would be increased.


Quiz Up is a very nice game. Try it once and you will love it. It is a worth having gaming app on your smartphone. If you have any query about this game you can ask us in the comment box bellow.


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