Restrict Friends from viewing your Facebook Profile updates

If you don’t want to show your profile updates to all friends but you do not wish to unfriend them, you can add them in restricted list. In this situation the restricted friends can view only the substance that you make public. This type of feature lets you to keep a good relationship on the Facebook when you are hiding your profile updates from them. But it is an important question for you, what is the difference between blocked friends and restricted friends on Facebook ?

  • Restricted friends cannot view your profile updates on Facebook.
  • Blocked friends are unable to view anything your timeline,  chat or tag with you.

How to restrict friends from viewing your Facebook Profile updates ?

  • At first, sign in to your Facebook account.
  • Next, click the gear icon at the top right of the Facebook home page and select Privacy Settings from the menu panel.
facebook privacy settings
  • Under Privacy settings page, go to left side of the page and click on the Blocking section.
facebook blocking option
  • Next, you will see a new page called Manage Blocking on the screen. At the top side of the page, click on Edit List link under Restricted List option.
managing blocking in facebook
  • When you will see the Edit Restricted window, click the Friends button at the top left side to show all your Facebook friends in list.
  • To restrict someone from viewing your public updates, click on their names.
  • Once you have chosen all the friends whom you like to restrict or block, click on the Finish button to save the new profile changes.
add restricted facebook friends

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