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Use Disconnect Browser Extension to Maintain Your Privacy Online

Use Disconnect Browser Extension to Maintain Your Privacy – Various websites often stay involved to track your online activity over the internet. They track the pages you visit, purchase history, location of ads data and more. It is an absolutely striking matter of concern to protect important data from spy as well as keep privacy. In this context, Internet Explorer 10 has provided a helpful feature like Do Not Track to protect all types of tracking by any websites that you visit regularly.

Now a trusted extension has been released namely Disconnect” for Chrome, Safari, and Firefox. It will help you to protect from the tracking system of some websites like Digg, Facebook, Google, Twitter, LinkedIn, Yahoo, and more while you visit these websites. It works in the background mode of the browser.

Disconnect Browser Extension to Maintain Your Privacy online

How to Use Disconnect Browser Extension to Maintain Your Privacy

  • Once the extension is installed in chrome browser, you will get a new button adjacent to the address bar at the top right panel.
  • Whenever you browse a website, Disconnect extension starts blocking tracking scripts on the running website. But the extension can’t stop ads and social network sharing buttons.
  • While you turn on Disconnect extension on the same website, you will find a lot of effects. For example, missing of Facebook Like icon and Google Adsense ads.
  • As substitute functionality of Disconnect extension, you can start in Secure Wi-Fi because it encrypts data before sending it to any domain that is belonging to Facebook or Google and keep away from spying.

 Download Disconnect Extension

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