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Windows 11 Insider Preview Build History Monitor for PC

Microsoft offers Windows Insider Program to roll out preview builds for the participants of Canary, Dev, Beta, and Release preview channels to experiment with new features and changes before release to the original stable version. Users who want to receive these builds have to join the program and opt for a channel through Settings app.

Preview builds are under development and unstable as they are part of testing process so highly technical and users having expertise with the Windows operating system are recommended to install them. A lot of Windows enthusiasts are curious to experience the features early to the original release so we are providing here Windows 11 Insider Preview Build History.

To receive the updates following the roadmap set by Microsoft you can go to Settings > Windows update > Windows Insider and select Get started. After completing formalities for joining, you will have to choose a channel from 4 channels – Canary, Dev, Beta, and Release Preview.

Windows insiders who opt for Canary channel would obtain the earliest form of builds, released shortly after they are built. Microsoft specifies the channel hot off the presses and any build can be unstable having major issues. Dev channel build is rather stable, having new features and changes, and released after proper research.

Beta channel receives the builds initially prepared for the stable release to general customers. The features included in this channel may be part of the original version of Windows 11 but not every feature in the Beta Channel will ship. Release Preview channel gets optional updates as the upcoming version of Windows before it’s rolled out to the world.

Windows 11 Insider Preview Build History monitor lists all the updates for PC, their version numbers, changelog, and summary (a brief of features and fixes) with the release date. The builds belonging to every channel are presented in the list.

Windows 11 Insider Preview Build History

List of Windows 11 Insider Preview Build History Monitor for PC

Canary Channel Windows 11 Insider Preview Build History

Canary Channel is the initial stage to test features and changes for upcoming builds of Windows. This was started on 08/03/2023 by Windows Insider Program and is getting updates for builds and servicing pipeline. See the list of Canary channel builds:


26100.103/04/2024Canary and DevWindows Ink and Copilot changes
KB5037477 26090.11228/03/2024Canary and DevWidgets board changes,
SMB protocol changes,
Redesigned Delivery Optimization settings
26085.100020/03/2024Canary and DevPointer indicator accessibility setting changes,
Hearing aids in Settings.
26080.1000 and 26080.110013/03/2024Canary and DevMicrosoft Teams changes,
Copilot changes,
Quick live captions,
File Explorer Extraction file name conflict,
Windows Update history changes,
Rename printer.
26063.100022/02/2024CanaryWi-Fi 7 for consumer access points,
Copilot in Windows added 16 new actions
26058.100014/02/2024CanaryWidgets board changes,
Richer weather experience on the lock screen,
Windows + Ctrl + S to launch voice access
26052.100008/02/2024CanaryWindows 11 version 24H2 update,
Sudo for Windows,
Hearing Aid Support improvements,
Test mode for microphone audio processing,
Copilot actions menu,
Copilot opens automatically on widescreen devices,
Energy saver icon on System tray,
Bluetooth discovery changes,
New Color Management settings page,
Registry Editor changes,
Power Grid Forecast API,
Windows-protected print mode,
Wi-Fi settings changes,
Changed text in the notification when a PC detects a slow charger,
Scan QR code by  Camera app to join a Wi-Fi network
26020.100003/01/2024CanaryMultiple language support for Voice Access,
Narrator Natural voice previews,
Print jobs pause resume,
Removed WordPad and People app,
Windows Share changes,
Steps Recorder deprecation,
Taskbar Energy Saver,
Voice Access languages
26016.100014/12/2023CanaryDiagnose network problems from Taskbar,
Protect Print Mode
26010.100007/12/2023CanaryCopilot undock,
New Widgets board settings,
Edit option and character count in Notepad,
Scrollable Quick Settings view
26002.100029/11/2023CanaryEnergy Saver in Power Options,
Power button in system tray,
Wi-Fi refresh list
25997.100015/11/2023CanaryRolling out previous changes
25992.100008/11/2023Canary7z and TAR creation support,
Changes in SMB,
Snipping tool update and Snap changes
25987.100001/11//2023CanaryWindows Maps and Movies and TV apps deprecation,
Editing support for Metadata of PNG,
OOBE install drivers button
25982.100025/10/2023CanaryCopilot changes,
Dev Drive ReFS filesystem Block Cloning,
Network-designated Resolvers,
SMB client encryption
25977.100018/10/2023CanaryLE Audio support with Bluetooth® LE Audio,
Bluetooth hearing aids,
GPS and Wi-Fi Location access controls
25967.100005/10/2023CanaryScrollable Quick Settings,
Settings homepage,
System Components Settings
25951.100013/09/2023CanarySMB NTLM Blocking,
SMB Dialect Management,
25947.100007/09/2023CanaryBug Fixes
25941.100031/08/2023CanaryEnable Dynamic refresh rate from settings,
Updated Cast flyout
25936.100025/08/2023CanaryCustom color in Dynamic Lighting,
Modern Task Manager Settings UI,
Customizable OOBE
25926.100009/08/2023CanaryNotification bell and banner design of Color filter changes
25921.100004/08/2023CanaryJXR files support for HDR wallpaper,
Rich thumbnail previews (tooltips) for cloud files on Start,
Cortana can be uninstalled,
Task View labels,
Fast execution of ipconfig /renew command
25915.100027/07/2023CanaryNew Outlook for Windows Preview as now an inbox app,
DRR changes
25905.100012/07/2023CanaryArm32 UWP App deprecation,
Rust in the Windows Kernel
25393.114/06/2023CanaryNo notes
25387.107/07/2023CanaryNo notes
25381.102/06/2023CanarySMB signing requirement changes
25375.125/05/2023CanaryMicrosoft Endpoint DLP on Windows on Arm (Arm64) builds support
25370.122/05/2023CanarySupport for vTPM in Hyper-V on Windows ARM64,
vTPM support on ARM
25357.104/05/2023CanaryFacebook widget
25352.128/04/2023CanaryWidgets picker Store added
25346.100019/04/2023CanaryCABC on plugged-in devices (also desktop PCs),
Redesigned connection bar for remote desktop,
New HDR option,
Presence sensor in Privacy setting,
Remote Desktop new UI
25336.100007/04/2023CanarySnap Assist recent tabs up to 20,
Discrete graphics adapters selection in Settings
25330.100030/03/2023CanaryWheel UI update
25324.100023/03/2023Canary3 column Widgets board,
USB4 Settings Page,
Unsafe password copy and paste warnings,
SHA-3 Support,
Expansion in Get Help troubleshooting platform,
Windows Hello multi-cameras support
25314.100008/03/2023CanaryExplorer context menu access key,
File Explorer file recommendations,
LSA Protection Enablement on Upgrade,
Narrator Outlook Support

Dev Channel Windows 11 Insider Preview Build list

Dev Channel receives updates having features and changes that may never have been released earlier.  This channel started on 11/05/2022 for testing Windows build and was a part of the Active development branch. The features and changes in these builds can be included in the Feature update however all the features are not bound to take place in the major release.

Have a look at the features and changes released in the Windows 11 Insider Preview Build History:

Build NumberRelease DateChannelNotes
26052.110008/02/2024DevWindows 11 version 24H2 update,
WiFi settings changes,
Windows-protected print mode,
Join a Wi-Fi network by scanning QR code using the Camera app,
System tray Energy saver,
Registry Editor changes,
Test mode for microphone audio processing,
Color Management settings new location,
Copilot automatically appears on widescreen devices,
Sudo for Windows,
Bluetooth discovery changes,
Hearing Aid Support improvements,
Power Grid Forecast API,
Copilot actions menu,
New text in the notification when a PC detects a slow charger
23619.100019/01/2024DevAccess new photos and screenshots from mobile,
Upcoming meetings in Start
23615.100011/01/2024DevCopilot automatic open on wide screen,
USB 80Gbps,
Windows Share for browsers changes
23612.100003/01/2024DevWeather report for Lock Screen,
Voice Access changes
23606.100014/12/2023DevWSR replaces Voice Access
23601.100007/12/2023DevDedicated mode for Windows 365 Boot,
Better discoverability of screen casting,
Nearby Sharing rename PC,
Copilot changes,
Share WhatsApp support. Edit in Notepad
23595.100029/11/2023DevCopilot icon on System Tray,
System Components in System settings,
Settings tweaks,
Windows Share in Teams
23590.100015/11/2023DevNarrator Natural voice preview and Enhanced image consumption,
Windows Share changes
23585.100008/11/2023DevUninstall for Camera app, Cortana, Photos app, People app, and Remote Desktop (MSTSC) client
23580.100001/11/2023DevCopilot for local accounts,
Nearby Sharing speed better
23575.100027/10/2023DevRecommended in Start added apps group
23570.100018/10/2023DevCopilot on multi-monitor
23560.100004/10/2023DevCopilot is in ALT + Tab
23555.1000September 28, 2023Dev
23550.100022/09/2023DevOOBE with Voice Access,
Windows Subsystem for Linux update
23545.100013/09/2023DevSearch box on the taskbar with gleam.
23536.100031/08/2023DevWindows Share update
23526.100018/08/2023DevRich thumbnail previews (tooltips) for cloud files on Start,
Narrator changes,
Troubleshoot in Cast flyout in Quick Settings,
Start menu updated file previews. Braille changes
23521.100010/08/2023DevNew Task Manager Settings UI,
Taskbar never combines changes,
Windows 365 Cloud PC in Task View,
23516.100002/08/2023DevScreen casting changes,
HDR JXP wallpapers,
Presence Sensing Adaptive Dimming,
Voice Access on Lock Screen,
23511.100027/07/2023DevGet Help troubleshooter for Camera,
Single Windows Spotlight,
Start menu label feature,
Snap multiple app windows together
23506.100019/07/2023DevPasswordless feature for Windows Hello for Business,
Warnings for Unsafe password copy and paste,
Windows share window and nearby sharing for sharing local files,
New Outlook app,
Post-OOBE changes,
SDR  display Auto Color Management (ACM),
Windows Copilot rolling out
23493.100029/06//2023DevNew Settings homepage,
Pins desktop app,
New volume mixer,
Archive file formats  RAR, 7-Zip support,
Settings new Home page
23486.100022/06/2023DevDynamic lighting effects,
Passkey support,
Changes in Time zone
23481.100014/06/2023DevFile Explorer folder options clean up,
Windows Ink Shell Handwriting
23475.100007/06/2023DevFile Explorer changes,
File Explorer Home and Address Bar changes,
Dynamic lighting settings
23471.100001/06/2023DevAdd phone photos in File Explorer,
Tear out and merge tabs in File Explorer
23466.100124/05/2023DevDev drive,
Backup and restore app,
Voice access text authoring,
Narrator natural voices in Chinese
23451.100004/05/2023DevFile Explorer Details pane changes,
New Facebook widget,
Narrator in Excel,
New Widgets picker,
Windows Spotlight changes,
Start menu notification badging for Microsoft accounts
23440.100019/04/2023DevHide Taskbar date and time,
Windows Spotlight icon change
23430.100007/04/2023DevMultitasking recent tabs limit up to 20,
Adaptive Brightness Control (CABC)
23424.100030/03/2023DevNew Wheel UI,
Widgets board change,
Windows Update settings
23419.100022/03/2023DevTask Manager Create live kernel memory,
USB4 Settings Page change,
Start menu changes,
System Tray seconds,
Task Manager live kernel dump,
Taskbar with Bing,
USB4 settings
23403.100008/03/2023DevBuild shifted from 25xxx to 23xxx,
Live captions in more languages,
Access keys in File Explorer context menu shortcuts,
File Explorer file recommendations,
Live Captions changes,
Narrator changes,
Voice Access changes
25309.100002/03/2023DevNew volume mixer in Quick Settings,
Touch Keyboard Settings change,
ACM Expansion,
File Explorer WinUI 3,
New volume mixer,
Start power settings,
Touch keyboard settings changes
25300.100015/02/2023DevSettings app changes,
Snap layouts changes,
Voice Typing new languages
25295.100009/02/2023DevCopy code toast notification
25290.100001/02/2023DevSpotify and Phone Link widgets,
Start menu with backup notification
25284.100026/01/2023DevWindows 11 widgets board.
25281.100019/01/2023DevRedesigned Graphics settings UI,
Window Spotlight in Personalization Settings
25276.100012/01/2023DevCreate live kernel memory dumps in Task Manager,
Consolidated storage quota on Accounts Settings,
Rounded corner in Start menu,
Windows Security (firewall) notification dialogs redesigned.
25272.100005/01/2023DevWindows Print Queue refresh button.
25267.100014/12/2022DevNew Visual Design for Firewall dialog,
Search box design changes
25252.100028/11/2022DevTaskbar Search box new design,
VPN status into the system tray
25247.100018/11/2022DevTask Manager Filter processes,
Energy Recommendations,
OneDrive usage includes Microsoft 365 apps,
Access Studio effects on Taskbar Quick Settings,
New Suggested Action with copied text
25236.100002/11/2022DevWindows Search via the taskbar
25231.100027/10/2022DevUpdate Phone Link
KB5020539: 25227.101019/10/2022DevGroup Policy setting added “Specify deadline for automatic updates and restarts for feature updates”,
Widgets board changes
25217.100006/10/2022DevWidgets 3rd-party support
25211.100029/09/2022DevWidget picker,
Task Manager in the Taskbar menu
25206.100021/09/2022DevSMB authentication rate limiter changes,
Dynamic Refresh Rate external display,
Open With update
25201.100014/09/2022DevGame Pass Widget change,
File Explorer instant search results,
Expanded view Widgets board
25197.100008/09/2022DevTablet-optimized taskbar,
System Tray Update
25193.100001/09/2022DevNarrator with New Braille display,
Settings with Xbox subscription management
25188.100024/08/2022DevTerminal as default,
Touch Keyboard Settings change
25174.100003/08/2022DevNew Game Pass widget,
File Explorer middle-click new tab
25169.100028/07/2022DevMulti-app kiosk mode,
New enable Spotlight
KB5016904: 25163.101022/07/2022DevNearby sharing changes,
Taskbar Overflow
25158.100013/07/2022DevNotification badging for Widgets,
DNS over TLS testing
25145.100022/06/2022DevNarrator Braille Driver Solution,
OneDrive storage alert in settings,
Legacy Local Administrator Password Solution or LAPS,
Suggested Actions
Narrator Brielle driver
25136.100010/05/2022DevFile Explorer Tabs & Navigation changes
25126.100025/06/2022DevAccounts settings page changes
25120.100018/05/2022DevInteractive content on the desktop
25115.100011/05/2022DevSuggested Actions changes

Windows 11 Version 23H2 Insider Preview build history

Windows 11 23H2 is the successor of Windows 11 22H2 currently being released via Beta channel of Windows 11 Insider Program. Microsoft will release this version through an enablement package. Windows 11 23H2 is intended to include AI technology as Copilot more and more.

The Windows update brings visual improvements across the desktop and system components, such as the Settings app. You can see the features in Windows 11 23H2 New Features and Release Date. This version includes a tabbed File Explorer with modern look and a new Gallery page.

Build NumberRelease DateChannelNotes
KB5037000 22635.349512/04/2024BetaDesktop Spotlight changes,
Settings > Accounts has a new Linked devices page.
Start menu adds a recommended section
KB5036980 22631.3520 and 22621.352011/04/2024Release PreviewWidgets icons change,
Support for Arm64 .msi files.
KB5036992 22635.343005/04/2024BetaCopilot and Windows Share changes
KB5035953 22635.342029/03/2024BetaWidgets entry-point position change,
File Explorer Address Bar breadcrumbs drag and drop
Windows share QR codes for URLs and cloud file links
Windows backup settings changes.
KB5035942 22631.3371 and 22621.337121/03/2024Release PreviewCopilot changes,
More content on Lock screen,
DisablePostLogonProvisioning policy setting to use MDM,
Remote Desktop Session Host changes,
DST support for Greenland, Kazakhstan, and Samoa.
Affects MSIX applications.
KB5035955 22635.335013/03/2024BetaStart menu Recommended section will show frequently used app
KB5035950 22635.328608/03/2024BetaChange the visual effect in the Copilot icon,
Drag and drop for image in Copilot,
Menu of Actions in Copilot icon right click.
KB5034857 22635.327604/03/2024BetaCopilot added new hover experiences
KB5034845 22635.321226/02/2024BetaNew notification badge for Widgets
KB5034855 22635.320915/02/2024BetaAccess and edit mobile device’s photo using Snipping tool,
Cross-Device Experience Host update
KB5034848 22631.3227 and 22621.322715/02/2024Release PreviewVoice access changes,
Windows share changes,
Quick settings Nearby Share,
Snap Layout suggestions,
Copilot in Windows icon in rightmost of taskbar,
Phone Link settings page includes Mobile devices,
Snipping Tool manages mobile device’s photos and screenshots
KB5034851 22635.314008/02/2024BetaCopilot icon on the right side of the system tray,
Start menu changes
KB5034218 22635.313025/01/2024BetaSnap Layouts suggestions.
KB5034209: 22635.306619/01/2024BetaUSB4 80 Gbps.
KB5034215: 22635.306111/01/2024BetaWindows Share changes
KB5034212: 22635.292104/01/2024Beta
KB5033456: 22635.291514/12/2023BetaVoice access multi-display support,
Improved discoverability of screen casting,
Nearby Sharing changes,
Windows 365 Boot,
Windows Speech Recognition deprecated,
Voice Access Shortcuts,
Windows 365 Switch
KB5033453: 22635.285011/12/2023BetaStore update,
Windows share adds WhatsApp
KB5032286: 22635.284104/12/2023BetaDeprecated Steps Recorder,
Quick settings added Auto Nearby Sharing,
Optional features in System,
Widgets hide news
KB5032292: 22635.277628/11/2023BetaWindows Share changes,
Process grouping in Task Manager,
Windows Ink changes
KB5032288: 22635.278716/11/2023Release PreviewCopilot in Windows (preview) multiple displays
KB5032283: 22635.277116/11/2023BetaNatural Voices Previews in Narrator,
Windows Share and Nearby Sharing changes,
Narrator Enhanced image consumption
KB5031455: 22631.250626/10/2023Release PreviewSystem label in All apps Start menu
KB5031448: 22635.255226/10/2023BetaSettings System Components
KB5031451: 22635.248313/10/2023BetaEEU consent.
KB5031463: 22635.241910/10/2023BetaNew icon for Copilot,
Shell Handwriting in Windows Ink
KB5031455: 22621.250026/09/2023Release Preview
KB5030310: 22621.236122/09/2023BetaAdded 23H2 features.
KB5030305: 22631.2338 and 22621.233813/09/2023BetaFocus Session widget,
Teams pinned by default to taskbar
KB5030316: 22631.2271 and 22621.227106/09/2023Beta
KB5029339: 22631.2262 and 22621.226224/08/2023BetaNew Settings homepage,
Cast flyout adds troubleshoot,
Match my Windows accent color Dynamic Lighting,
Backup and Restore app
KB5029352: 22631.2199 and 22621.219918/08/2023BetaNative support for reading several archive file formats,
Narrator changes,
Updated file previews in Start menu,
Taskbar labels
KB5029336: 22631.2191 and 22621.219110/08/2023BetaNew Share option in File Explorer,
HDR wallpapers,
New Narrator voices,
Spotlight changes,
Windows 365 Switch
KB5028251: 22631.2129 and 22621.212902/08/2023BetaScreen Cast changes,
Dev Drive,
Notifications icon change,
Presence Sensing Adaptive Dimming,
Start menu hover feature,
Task Manager settings modern design,
Settings Time zone changes,
Changes in Windows Copilot,
Windows Hello for Business is passwordless,
Change version to 23H2
KB5028251: 22631.2115 and 22621.211526/07/2023BetaFixes and improvements.
KB5028256: 22631.2050 and 22621.205021/07/2023Beta

Table for Windows 11 22H2 Insider Preview builds

22H2 is the first major update of Windows 11 working to increase consistency of new visual elements that match the design language. In addition, this release includes several new features. Windows 11 Version 22H2 Features, improvements, Changes. The most important feature of this Windows version Copilot based on AI technology and it is consistently getting improvements.

See the table of Windows 11 Insider Preview Build History Monitor for PC:

Build NumberRelease DateChannelNotes
22621.278716/11/2023Release PreviewCopilot in Alt + Tab (Task View),
Copilot multi-monitor support,
Spotlight default settings
22621.250013/11/2023Release PreviewDigital handwriting,
System Components page
KB5030316: 22631.2271 and 22621.227106/09/2023Beta
KB5029339: 22631.2262 and 22621.226224/08/2023BetaCast changes,
File Explorer changes,
New Backup and Restore app,
New Home for Settings
KB5029352: 22631.2199 and 22621.219918/08/2023BetaMore archival support in File Explorer,
Narrator changes,
Start menu updated file previews,
Taskbar labels
KB5029336: 22631.2191 and 22621.219110/08/2023BetaHDR wallpapers,
New Narrator voices,
New Share option in File Explorer,
Spotlight changes,
Windows 365 Switch
KB5028251: 22631.2129 and 22621.212902/08/2023BetaCast changes,
Dev Drive,
New Notifications icon,
Presence Sensing Adaptive Dimming,
Start menu hover,
Task Manager settings UI,
Time zone changes,
Windows Copilot,
Windows Hello for Business passwordless
KB5028251: 22631.2115 and 22621.211526/07/2023BetaFixes and improvements
KB5028256: 22631.2050 and 22621.205021/07/2023BetaChange version for 23H2,
File Explorer Home, Address bar, and Details,
New Dynamic Lighting,
Natural voices for Narrator,
New Volume Mixer,
Passkeys support,
Spotlight changes,
Windows Ink changes
KB5028247: 22631.2048 and 22621.204813/07/2023BetaAdd Gallery to File Explorer,
Change version for 23H2,
For Developers on System
KB5027311: 22631.1972 and 22621.197229/06/2023BetaFile Explorer WinUI 3.
KB5027311: 22631.1906 and 22621.190622/06/2023BetaFirewall UI update,
Lock screen UI update,
Netsh bridging commands,
Uninstall process update
KB5027301: 22631.1900 and 22621.190015/06/2023BetaDisable toast for apps option,
Passpoint wireless networks support
KB5027305: 22631.1835 and 22621.183508/06/2023BetaNatural voice Chinese and Spanish
KB5026443: 22631.1830 and 22621.183001/06/2023Beta
KB5026440: 22631.1825 and 22621.182525/06/2023Beta
KB5026438: 22631.1755 and 22621.175509/06/2023Beta
KB5026447: 22624.1690 and 22621.169004/06/2023BetaNew Facebook widget
KB5025303: 22624.1680 and 22621.168027/04/2023BetaImprovements,
Widgets 3 columns,
Widgets icon animation
KB5025308: 22624.1616 and 22621.161620/04/2023Beta
KB5025299: 22624.1610 and 22621.161013/04/2023BetaNew feature preview option,
Presence Sensing settings
KB5025310: 22624.1546 and 22621.154607/04/2023BetaBy default PrtSc key to access Snipping Tool,
Snap Assist recent tabs limit up to 20
KB5022910: 22624.1537 and 22621.153731/04/2023BetaCABC support,
Create live kernel memory dumps in Task Manager,
Access Keys in File Explorer
KB5023780: 22624.1470 and 22621.147023/03/2023BetaTwo-factor authentication (2FA) codes,
USB4 Settings Page,
Seconds in Taskbar clock,
VPN status icon
KB5023775: 22624.1465 and 22621.146516/03/2023BetaTouch Keyboard Settings changes,
Live captions in more languages,
Voice Access changes,
Multi-App Kiosk Mode
KB5023011: 22624.1391 and 22621.139102/03/2023BetaVoice Access changes.
KB5022914: 22623.1325 and 22621.132517/02/2023BetaFeature update policy,
New widgets
KB5022918: 22623.1255 and 22621.125509/02/2023BetaTabs in Notepad,
Task Manager and Taskbar fixes
KB5023008: 22623.1250 and 22621.125002/02/2023BetaTaskbar Search changes
KB5022358: 22623.1245 and 22621.124526/01/2023BetaScreen Recording added in the Snipping Tool
KB5022363: 22623.1180 and 22621.118020/01/2023BetaAccounts Settings with cloud storage,
Widgets changes
KB5022364: 22623.1095 and 22621.109505/01/2023BetaRounded corners in Start Search
KB5021304: 22623.1037 and 22621.103715/12/2022BetaSearch UI update,
Voice Access changes
KB5021866: 22623.1028 and 22621.102806/12/2022Beta
KB5020035: 22623.1020 and 22621.102028/11/2022BetaNarrator Braille displays support
KB5020040: 22623.891 and 22621.89114/11/2022BetaTask Manager filter processes
KB5020054: 22623.885 and 22621.88507/11/2022BetaWindows Studio Effects in Quick Settings,
Energy recommendations,
Expanded View in Widgets
KB5018486: 22623.875 and 22621.87527/10/2022BetaTablet-optimized taskbar
KB5018499: 22623.870 and 22621.87020/10/2022BetaNarrator Braille Driver Solution,
Task Manager to right-click menu of the taskbar
KB5018490: 22623.746 and 22621.74613/10/2022BetaTablet-optimized taskbar,
System Tray Updates
KB5017385: 22623.703 and 22621.70329/11/2022BetaTablet-optimized taskbar,
Start menu recommended changes
KB5017384: 22622.601 and 22621.60121/09/2022Beta
KB5017390: 22622.598 and 22621.59812/09/2022
KB5017846: 22622.590 and 22621.59001/09/2022Beta
KB5016701: 22622.586 and 22621.58624/08/2022Beta
KB5016695: 22621.45723/08/2022Beta
KB5016694: 22622.575 and 22621.57510/08/2022Beta
KB5016700: 22622.450 and 22621.45002/08/2022Beta
KB5015885: 22621.31728/07/2022Release Preview
KB5015890: 22622.440 and 22621.44028/07/2022BetaTaskbar Overflow,
Dynamic Widgets content on the taskbar,
Open with update
KB5015888: 22622.436 and 22621.43620/07/2022BetaNearby sharing changes,
Share local files to OneDrive,
Terminal is default
KB5014959: 22622.290 and 22621.29005/07/2022BetaSuggested Actions,
OneDrive storage alert in settings
KB5014958: 22621.16530/06/2022Release PreviewFSCTL code “FSCTL_LMR_QUERY_INFO,
TLS 1.3 support
KB5014770: 22621.16013/06/2022BetaFile Explorer Tabs & Navigation Updates,
File Explorer tabs.
2262107/06/2022Release Preview
2261605/05/2022Dev Beta
Family Safety Widget changes,
Battery icon change,
Accent colors for Task,
Widgets board dynamic content,
Tablet-optimized taskbar,
Task Manager design changes,
New Group Policies
Task Manager shortcuts
File Explorer with Home,
Snap layouts tweaks
Taskbar tweaks
Dev and Beta are equal,
Version 22H2 reference
2257918/03/2022DevExclude USB removable drives from encryption,
Print Queue changes,
Win32 apps changes,
Run new task on all Task Manager pages,
Start menu rename folder
2257210/03/2022DevQuick Assist new icon,
Chipclamp app,
Notification Center new icon,
File Explorer changes,
Microsoft Family app,
Print Queue design update,
WMIC optional feature,
Windows Sandbox new Fluent-style icon
2256702/03/2022DevMicrosoft 365 subscription management in Settings,
OOBE Phone Linking,
New “Open With” design,
Touch animations,
OOBE link Android phone,
Smart App Control (SAC),
Windows Update renewable energy consumption,
Speech Packs in Microsoft Store
2256324/02/2022DevSnap assists for Microsoft Edge tabs,
Taskbar for tablets,
Widgets content is more dynamic
2255716/02/2022DevFocus and Do not disturb,
File Explorer folder preview,
File Explorer OneDrive integration,
File Explorer Quick Access changes,
Graphics changes,
Input changes,
Legacy title bars UI update with Mica,
Live Captions,
Task Manager redesign with Efficiency Mode,
New touch gestures,
power settings and recommendations changes,
Settings changes,
New PowerShell module for Language,
Snap layouts changes,
Start menu apps folders,
Taskbar drag & drop,
Voice access improvements,
Wireless security deprecation
22543J27/01/2022DevNew media controls in Lock screen,
Mute confirmation,
More Narrator natural voices,
Snap layouts design update,
Storage settings pages design update,
2253819/01/2022DevVoice access touch keyboard,
ALT + TAB, Snap assist, and Task View UI changes,
IMEs and touch keyboard design changes,
HTTPS boot for Hyper-V Gen 2,
Lock screen with new touch keyboard
2253312/01/2022DevUpdate for hardware indicators for brightness, volume, camera privacy, camera on/off, and airplane mode indicators Design,
Taskbar changes,
Uninstall the Clock option
2252606/01/2022DevIndex more locations,
Wideband speech support for Apple AirPods products,
Windowed Task View
2252315/12/2021DevSnap groups in ALT + TAB and Task View,
Control panel opens Settings to uninstall updates
2251808/12/2021DevSpotlight collection,
Updated entry point for Widgets,
File Explorer context menu changes,
New input switcher design,
Voice Access
2250901/12/2021DevBrowsing the web in Microsoft Edge with Narrator,
More recommendations and More pins in Start menu,
Settings app changes,
Start Recommended settings,
Taskbar clock on all screens
2250417/11/2021Dev13 themes for the touch keyboard,
Settings changes
2249911/11/2021DevTaskbar share window.
2249403/11/2021DevMic mute  unmute button in Taskbar,
Default apps settings File Type,
Snap groups in Task View and Alt+Tab
2248927/10/2021DevDesignated Resolvers,
Installed Apps and Advanced app settings,
File Explorer Pin to Quick Access,
Design changes in Settings
2248320/10/2021DevRefresh option for Start menu
2247814/10/2021DevNew fluent emojis,
Login to external monitor with Facial recognition,
Scroll volume control
2246829/09/2021DevResigned Paint app,
Recent searches on Start,
VPN improvements.
2246323/09/2021DevClipboard shortcut for File Explorer address bar Ctrl + Shift + C,
Ease of Access folder in Start menu change to Accessibility
2245814/09/2021DevPower menu option
2245409/09/2021DevContext menu changes

Here are all the new features and enhancements Microsoft has been working on for version 22H2.

Dev Channel Windows 11 Insider Preview builds list

Windows 11 is a brand-new version expected to arrive in the fall of 2021 and the most important thing is some of the features and changes of this release are currently accessible through the Dev Channel.

This list will provide you Windows Insider Preview builds build number, date of release, rolled out in the Dev Channel so that you could explore the version before it becomes public.

Build NumberRelease DateChannelNotes
KB5007262: 22000.34612/11/2021Release Preview
KB5006746: 22000.28215/10/2021Release Preview
KB5005635: 22000.19416/09/2021Beta
KB5005642: 22000.18409/09/2021Beta
KB5006050: 22000.17602/09/2021BetaMinor improvements.
Minor improvements.
New Clock app.

Windows Update alert tweak.

Family widget

File Explorer changes

Taskbar improvements.
System tray UI change
Context menu acrylic effect.

Entertainment widget

22000.6508/07/2021DevContext menu changes.

Search on Start.

22000.5128/06/2021DevNew File Explorer,
New Start menu with Recommended,
Action Center with modern design,
New Settings,
Taskbar with modern design,
Snap layouts and groups,
Touch changes,
WiFi 6E support
KB5004123: 21390.202526/05/2021DevTask Manager and MSI installer new Fluent icons,
Windows Terminal default emulator.
21387.121/05/2021DevDisabled Eco Mode,
Removed Internet Explorer 11
KB5003837: 21382.100018/05/2021DevKB5003837
KB5003837: 21382.100014/05/2021DevHDR support for color managed apps,
Use legacy display ICC color management,
Device Manager View drivers alongside devices,
File Explorer folder icon change,
Touch keyboard New font and icons
21376.106/05/2021DevAuto HDR Settings,
Connect app new icon,
Segoe UI Variable font
21370.129/04/2021DevBluetooth audio improvements,
File Explorer changes,
Touch keyboard improvements
21364.121/04/2021DevLinux GUI preview apps support,
Task Manager Eco mode,
New notification – Select here to sign in to your account to continue using apps between this device and your other devices
Task Manager Edge process classification
21359.114/04/2021DevAccessibility replaces Ease of Access in Settings,
Restart apps on Start menu power settings
21354.107/04/2021DevTaskbar News and interest,
Disabled CABC,
Camera Settings page,
MS Paint in Store,
Open on hover in News and interests
21343.100024/03/2021DevWindows Administrative Tools folder is renamed Windows Tools on Start menu,
New icons for Documents, Pictures, Desktop, Downloads
21337.100017/03/2021DevReorder Virtual Desktops,
Auto HDR Preview Setting,
File Explorer Layout compact mode,
Notepad in Store,
Windows Terminal Store app,
Power Automate Desktop,
Emoji panel languages,
Task View settings location change
21327.100003/03/2021DevNews and interest changes,
System icons change,
Updated News and interests
21322.100025/03/2021DevHide 3D Objects in File Explorer
21318.100019/02/2021DevTouch keyboard changes,
Clipboard new Paste as Plain Text option,
Improved app support on ARM64 devices
21313.100012/02/2021DevIME candidate window design change,
Microsoft Edge replaces legacy version,
Quick access Emoji,
Touch keyboard changes
21301.100027/01/2021DevTouch keyboard settings changes.
21296.100021/01/2021DevClipboard history update.
21286.100006/01/2021DevSettings Storage Spaces,
Updated Taskbar news and interests
20279.115/12/2020DevTest rollout.
21277 (Optional)10/12/2020DevPrevious feature return.
20246.129/10/2020DevLinux distro installation command
20241.100021/10/2020DevTheme-aware splash screens
20236.100014/10/2020DevSearch improvements,
Change the refresh rate of selected display
20231.100007/10/2020DevOOBE Customize
20226.100030/09/2020DevStorage health monitoring
20221.100023/09/2020DevMeet Now on Taskbar
20215.100016/09/2020DevSupport for Search dark theme
20211.100010/09/2020DevSettings Default apps search,
Access Linux file systems in WSL
20206.100026/08/2020DevEmoji Picker,
Touch keyboard changes,
Settings for Voice Typing
20197.100021/08/2020DevSettings Disk Management,
Your Phone App changes,
Microsoft Edge Alt + Tab changes
20190.100012/08/2020DevNew Tips app,
Default high performance GPU in Graphics Settings
20185.100005/08/2020DevDNS configuration,
DOH option
20180.100029/07/2020DevNew folder icon small
20175.100022/07/2020DevReset Appxpackage command,
Eye Contact feature,
Snip & Sketch and Sticky Notes app icons
20170.100015/07/2020DevSearch bar changes,
New icon for Settings
20161.100001/07/2020DevTheme-aware tiles in Start Menu,
Enhanced Notification,
Calculator Graphing Mo,de
Personalized taskbar,
Settings changes,
New design of Start menu,
ALT + TAB between sites and apps in Edge
20152.100024/06/2020DevMinor update.
20150.100017/06/2020DevSettings changes,
Windows Security changes,
19645.110/06/2020Fast ringYour Phone App changes,
Linux kernel inside of WSL2 modified servicing model
19640.103/10/2020Fast ring
19635.127/05/2020Fast ring
19631.121/05/2020Fast ring
19628.113/05/2020Fast ringDNS over HTTPS support
19624.100006/05/2020Fast ringAdd a Device dialog text dialog,
VPN connection logic change
19619.100029/05/2020Fast ring
19613.100527/04/2020Fast ringKB4558320.
19613.100022/04/2020Fast ring
KB4557426: 19608.100617/04/2020Fast ringKB4557426
19608.100015/04/2020Fast ring
19603.100008/04/2020Fast ring
19592.100125/03/2020Fast ringTablet Posture for 2-in-1 convertible PCs,
Windows Search Platform (Indexer) update with enhanced logic
19587.100018/03/2020Fast ring
19582.100112/03/2020Fast ringEye Control changes,
Time & Date settings changes
19577.100005/03/2020Fast ringDiagnostic data changes,
New icons Windows
19569.100020/0322020Fast ringNew icons.
19564.100012/02/2020Fast ringGraphic settings changes
19559.100005/02/2020Fast ringHyper-V changes for ARM64
19555.100130/01/2020Fast ring
19551.100523/01/2020Fast ringTesting Optional updates
19546.100016/01/2020Fast ringGraphing mode for Windows Calculator,
New Index diagnostics app
19541.100008/01/2020Fast ringTask Manager changes,
Taskbar new location icon
19536.100016/12/2019Fast ringNew Family group setup,
Optional Drivers

That’s all!!

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