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How to Recover Facebook Password and Account With Trusted Contacts

Identity should always be genuine over the web. The real identity protects fake user to unofficially access significant information, and commit wrong using another name. At the present time, identity theft is used to hack your social media accounts and put your online status in danger condition. To make Facebook account more secure in the forthcoming days, Facebook has revealed a new feature. It is known Trusted Contacts. This feature helps you to struggle with identity theft and recover Facebook account in a difficult situation. It lets you to select three to five people from your Facebook friends list, who can assist you to recover your Facebook account.

On this page, I am going to explain tips to reset lost Facebook password using trusted contacts feature.

Set up the trusted contacts feature on your Facebook Account.

  • At first, sign in to Facebook account in the browser.
  • Go to the right side on the Facebook page, click on the gear icon, and select the Account settings option.
  • On the next page, click on the Security option in the left side.
  • Now move the cursor over Trusted contacts section and click on Choose Trusted Contacts link.
  • It will load in seconds, and you will get a pop-up. Here, click on Choose Trusted Contacts option.

facebook security settings option

  • Next, you will have to select at least three well-known people from your account. This point brings you to the protected stage for when one of your trusted people has lost their account’s password. And you want to help him to recover the lost password.
  • Once you have selected three recognized People with your account, click on Confirm button.

select trusted contacts on facebook

  • Next, the new tab asks you to re-enter your Facebook account password to verify it.  Here, click on confirm button.
  • To edit your trusted contacts settings any time or remove any people click on Edit link on the Facebook account page.


The people who are selected by you under trusted contacts groups, it is needed to confirm by them otherwise, the Trusted Contacts feature will not work during password recovery page.

How to recover lost Facebook account password using trusted contacts feature.

Suppose you have forgotten or lost your Facebook password then you can use your trusted contacts settings to recover your Facebook account quickly. It is a three-step process that requests you to enter the name of all your trusted people. To do it,

  • Go to Facebook sign-in page in the browser and enter your Facebook account id or name.
  • Then click on forget your Password link. Next click on I can’t identify my account link.
  • Here, you will get a window. In this window check the yes option.
  • If you are attempting to retrieve your account, search for Reveal My Trusted Contacts section on the recovery page
  • Here, you will need a code from each of the trusted people you’ have added.
  • Upon visiting the URL, your trusted contacts recovery page will be displayed as the following image. Here, click on Continue button.
  • Now call your trusted people and tell them to click the URL to visit to get your security code.
  • Supposing you have gathered the necessary three security codes, enter them on the recovery page one by one

trusted contact ask for help tab


The Trusted Contacts feature is an absolutely difficult account recovery method of the Facebook service. Not only do you need your trusted people to reply to your request for help, but you also need them to be capable to access Facebook to do so. The important fact is, you can recover your Facebook account without having to authenticate your identity manually and proving any proof related verification by Facebook.

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