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KB4589464 for Windows 10 Build 20241.1005 in Dev Channel

Active Development Branch (prerelease) has received another update today with nothing changes. KB4589464  will take the version to Windows 10 20241.1005.

You can install this update through the default automatic Windows update.

KB4589464 Windows 10 build 20241.1005 Dev Channel is out

Here is the changelog –

This build does not include anything new and is designed to test the servicing pipeline.

How to install the new Dev build

Follow the method –

  1. Open Windows Settings by using any of the ways; the easiest one is pressing the Windows logo key and I simultaneously.
  2. Click the Update & Security located in the last of the app.
  3. On the next page, select the Windows Update from the left pane.
  4. Allow the download to complete until the end.
  5. Finally, click the Install now from the notification or settings.
  6. During the update, the system may restart multiple times so wait and enjoy.

More posts from Dev channel –

1] KB4587587 Windows 10 Build 20236.1005 Rolled out to Dev
2] A new update Windows 10 Build 20236 in Dev Channel is available now
3] KB4586238 Windows 10 Build 20231.1005 Dev Channel is Available
4] Windows 10 Build 20231.1000 (rs_prerelease) Dev 21H1 Features, Change, Fixes
5] Windows 10 Build 20226.1000.(rs_prerelease) Dev 21H1 Features, Fixes

That’s all!!

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