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RuntimeClassesView v1.00 – See Windows Runtime or WinRT Classes

RuntimeClassesView is a small app from Nirsoft for Windows 11 and 10. This tool shows Windows Runtime or WinRT classes installed on the system in list form. The application showcases Class Name, Filename, Threading, Trust Level, Server, Activation Type, Registry Key, Bitness, Key Modified Time, CLSID, and file version information for every Runtime. Upon selection of a Windows Runtime class in the upper pane, this utility will try to render the list of interfaces implemented by the selected class. You can see the the list in the lower pane.

The opening version of this tool RuntimeClassesView v1.00 supports both Windows 10 and Windows 11 64-bit and 32-bit systems. This tool is just a small standalone .exe file that you can run on any system without installing anything. See – PropertySystemView – Change File Properties and Metadata on Windows.

How to use RuntimeClassesView in Windows 111 or 10

  1. Download the tool from the Nirsoft website.
  2. Double click on RuntimeClassesView.exe. Since the tool doesn’t require any installation process or additional DLL files so simply runing the executable file is sufficient.
  3. After opening RuntimeClassesView, the primary window shows the list of all runtime classes.
  4. If you want to find a specific runtime class, you can press Ctrl+Q, and then in the quick filter window, type the string you want to find.
  5. Once you select a single runtime class in the upper pane of the main window, RuntimeClassesView tries to get the list of interfaces implemented by the chosen class (By calling the IInspectable::GetIids method ) and the list is displayed in the lower pane.
  6. You can also select one or more runtime classes (or select all of them by pressing Ctrl+A) and then export them to tab-delimited/comma-delimited/HTML/XML/JSON file by using the ‘Save Selected Items’ option.
  7. RuntimeClassesView is also available in other languages. In order to alteer the language of the app, download the appropriate language zip file, extract the ‘runtimeclassesview_lng.ini’, and put it in the same folder that you Installed utility.

That’s all!!


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