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Scan your PC quickly Over 6000 Viruses with McAfee Labs Stinger

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McAfee Labs Stinger is a utility application. It is antivirus software indeed. This antivirus software is the latest one and is released on 23rd July 2013. This antivirus is compatible with Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP. This software has been created by McAfee. This antivirus software is absolutely free forever. You can easily download it from the given link below.

This McAfee Labs Stinger is a quality antivirus that detects and removes the viruses easily. It helps in curing the infected system. It allows the facility to handle the system and administration. The McAfee Labs Stinger can scan registry and directory files, rootkits, running processes, loaded modules, and save time because it scans quickly and don’t take any long time. It has new technology and it can scan more than 6000 viruses. This McAfee Labs Stinger has come in its new version and it has some new feature of detecting viruses. The file size is 10.86 MB.

Because this is free utility antivirus software so it doesn’t have the technical support and there is no warranty. So you are advised that use it for a simple system and work.

Method to start the McAfee Labs Stinger

McAfee Labs Stinger

First of all download it from the given link at the bottom part. After downloading, a dialog box will appear with Run, Save and Cancel button. Choose the ‘run’ button and let it install on your computer. Once it installs on your computer then it starts working and you can scan your files and remove the virus. The McAfee Labs Stinger has many tools and facilities to do several settings for scanning.

Good thing

  1. This is a standalone utility antivirus that finds and removes viruses.
  2. It will assist your administrator and user account
  3. Its technology is very sophisticated.
  4. It deletes dat files.
  5. It is free.

Bad Thing

  1. It detects some specific virus.
  2. You cannot get technical support.
  3. It is not able to detect every type of virus.

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