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Swype Arrives in Google Play Store for $0.99

Swype gave its first public appearance in 2007, before the advent of Android, which worked over 250 million devices. Now the latest version of Swype can be downloaded and installed from the Google play store for the consumers as it arrives. Its price is $0.99.

Swype enables the users to input words faster and easier than any other input methods at a speed of 40 words per minute. The application is designed to work over variety of devices like smartphones, tablets, virtual screens, televisions and more.

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Swype – the world most powerful keyboard, creates a personal profile of the user which defers from device to device. It creates a personal configuration of the user on the way he uses the app.

Living language – Swype updates the dictionary with the newly trended words, easily accessed short phrases and hot words. It also supports over 20 dialects.

Smart Editor – with the smart editor option the users will be eased by the app as it would decide the words, having any sense or not. If not it suggests better words to be used.

Smart Touch –Swype will simply learn the way we type or often use the keyboard.

Language download – Swypers will get a point to rejoice as Swype allows downloading over 60 languages and 36 Dictation languages.

Four in one keyboard – Swype provides users to have a use a keyboard which can Swype, Write, type and Speak.

Dragon mobile assistance – With the dragon mobile assistance just by pressing the dragon flame key on Swype one can get easy access to mobile assistance mode. It is android app for personal assistance. It includes features like hearing the text messages and more.

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