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UC Browser For Nokia, Android, Java,Iphone with Download link

UC browser for mobile
UC Browser is the prominent and remarkable mobile Internet browser.  About 300 million mobile users of 150 countries has been using within 2 years. The main cause of UC browser popularity in short times than other mobile browsers is it provides fast surfing with high-speed of downloading of videos, and audio.

This mobile browser is presently available for mobile version like Android, Symbian, java, Blackberry, iPhone, and more with multi language support. UC browser is absolutely freeware product for everyone and mobile users has not to pay any amount.

Features of UC Mobile Browser

Tab Browsing – 

Tab Browsing in UC Browser

Bookmark –

Easy to bookmark of specific websites for next time browsing quickly.

Share Option

Share your chosen pages or contents of any websites on social sites like Facebook, Twitter, Google+ while you tap on Share option.


UC browser Multi touch

In touch screen devices, UC browser supports fingers comfortably and gives extra function ability to work

Download Manager

UC browser provide Constant high-speed while you download huge sizes of videos or files.

Quick Reads

quick reads in UC browser

In UC browser, RSS Reader section allows you to monitor news from New York Times, CNN and others.


Mobile users gets Suggestions while they begins to start typing on address bar.

Night Mode

UC browser Night Mode feature

UC browser also supports night mode feature to read or browse web pages contents superior in shady environment.

Memory Management –

Consumes exact, and fewer internal phone memory.

UC Browser download link for following mobile version

To visit  websites of UC browser

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