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Windows 10 Build 19023 [20H1] Bangs with only list of Fixes

Insiders with the Fast Ring can experience another set of updates that Microsoft releases. Windows 10 Build 19023 is out with a set of some enhancements, fixes for bugs and problems, along with some known issues. For Insiders, the giant software is experimenting on how to deliver driver updates. Drivers that are classified as optional will not be downloaded and installed all by itself on PC’s running 20H1 Build 18980 or higher. So, to grab the new optional drivers, you can navigate to Windows Settings > Update & security > Windows Update > Optional Updates. Once you are here, you can manually download the drivers accordingly. Let us now explore the details of this Build in the below section.

Windows 10 Build 19023 [20H1] Bangs with only list of Fixes

Windows 10 Build 19023 Improvements and Fixes

Here is the list of all the changelog, enhancements, and fixes that Windows 10 Build 19023 offers –

  • Microsoft and the team resolve a problem of a 2-hour window before you could install this build. It happens if a Build endeavors to download and install before you had finished the 1st login.
  • Earlier while running a video fullscreen, users were facing lag processing input trouble. The release of the build resolves this issue as well.
  • In the last few builds, you would have noticed the position of quick action section in the Action Center. It was moderately off-center and Windows 10 Build 19023 fix this problem.
  • The software team mitigates the Cortana’s voice activation settings issue. It used to switch from on back to off after restarting explorer.exe. Or it also happens when you restart Windows 10 PC. But it will not occur after installing Build 19023.
  • Users on the previous flight requested to remove the Downloads folder from Disk Cleanup. Based on their feedback, Microsoft remove this folder in this release. However, if you prefer to have this option again, you can retrieve it via Storage Settings.

Known Issues

  • Installing this build contains an issue that does not allow Sandbox and WDAG from operating. If these features are important for you, try considering to pause updates before taking this build. The team is aware of the issue and are working hard to bring a fix in the upcoming flight.
  • Microsoft and BattlEye will have incompatibility complications. This happens due to modification in the operating system that takes place between Insider Preview Builds and a few versions of BattlEye anti-cheat software. In order to protect the Insiders who have installed these versions, the software company rolls out a compatibility control. It is applicable to the devices from being offered affected builds.
  • Windows 10 Build 19023 will also encounter an issue where Settings is still not accessible outside of launching via the URI (ms-settings:). However, this is applicable for some Insiders only and the team is investigating it.
  • After installing printer drivers from the “Optional Updates” section, certain Insiders are complaining about a problem. Even after installing the driver, it still shows available for install and Microsoft is figuring out this mess.
  • Certain fingerprint readers are not operating accurately as of Build 19013. The team is investigating the problem and for the moment you need to log in with a password.

Source – Windows Blog

That’s all!!!

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