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How to Install and Access Pandora Windows App in Windows 8

At present time, Pandora is known for providing online radio services. It helps to listen to music on demand along with quick access to search preferred music. If you have installed Windows 8 freshly and want to access Pandora radio inside metro screen then Pandora Windows app is the best option. To access Pandora windows app, firstly you have to sign in to Pandora account app and synchronize your radio stations. This app has been designed with a stylish interface, user-friendly, and quick streaming facility. It also helps to include new radio stations into library and stream new music through the inbuilt media player.

Important update: Pandora does not exist in Windows Store now. So the users who want the application may visit:

Windows 8 user can download Pandora Windows app from Windows Store with freeware edition.

How to download Pandora Windows app

  • At first, press shortcut (Windows key+ Q) to launch search windows of Windows 8 charms bar.
  • Then type keyword “Pandora windows” in the search box and hit on windows store button.
  • Now you will get instant search results. Here choose the app in Windows 8 store page.
  • Next click on Install button to start the downloading procedure.

How to Install and Access Pandora Windows App in Windows 8 image 5

How to access Pandora Windows app in Windows 8

To quickly access Pandora Windows app, you can pin it to the Windows 8 start screen. The first screen page of this app requests you to Sign in with Pandora username and password. Now click on sign in button. You can also create new Pandora account to get connect with online radio stations.

How to Install and Access Pandora Windows App in Windows 8 image 4

When Pandora Windows App is signed in with previous Pandora user name and password, its main screen presents existing radio stations like tiles. If you sign in Windows 8 Pandora app with recent created Pandora account then you have to add new radio stations yourself. In this situation, go to search box of app screen page, type the preferred radio station name and press enter button. You will have to know that Pandora Windows app permits you to explore the new radio stations through song names and singer names. When you get instant search results on the app page screen, just choose your preferred radio station to insert it to the radio station list.

How to Install and Access Pandora Windows App in Windows 8 image 2

When you press right-click anyplace on the app screen, it displays options bar with several settings options underneath. This option bar allows you to pin the new radio station to the Windows 8 Start Screen. So make a right-click on the radio station tile, insert new Tile name and click on Pin to Start option.

How to Install and Access Pandora Windows App in Windows 8 image 1

When you explore any radio station tile in Windows Pandora app main screen, it begins to play the track from the chosen singer or album. Then, you will get radio station title at the top panel with details of singer and album name, current track, brief biography about the artist and its track under playback section page. Here, you can choose like and unlike buttons to rate the current music. Finally, this app permits you to share the existing track via email or additional social media apps. So, click on Share button in the Windows 8 Charms bar in the right panel.

How to Install and Access Pandora Windows App in Windows 8 image 3Know More details about Pandora windows app.

4 thoughts on “How to Install and Access Pandora Windows App in Windows 8”

  1. This article should be updated or removed. I have a Surface Pro 3 and I am frustrated that there is no true Pandora app. I have searched thoroughly and there is no Pandora Windows or PRadio. The link that Asish provided is dead.

    We need a solution to this

  2. Pandora seems to not be listed in the Windows 8.1 app store, or at least is suffering terribly from being able to pop up from search key words. I type in “Pandora” and get 820 hits. I try browsing through those hundreds of hits and can’t find it. I try “Pandora Windows” and get 14 search result hits, and none of them are from Pandora Media. Pandora, you need to fix! I’m willing to pay, willing to download the app, but can’t find the app. Fail.

  3. Great article but it needs to be updated. This app is now called PRadio not Pandora Windows and there a lot of cool features.

    To download the app from the windows store please visit Internet Explorer.

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