Here you will go through a method for Play YouTube HD video Streaming much Faster. In recent times, we have felt that YouTube is performing unbearably slow despite having 2 MBPS speed internet connection. The video starts and stops time and again. We applies all our skills to fasten the YouTube video streaming speed, but goes in vain. YouTube provides us to stream 480 pixel supported HD videos smoothly. But we don’t stream even 240 pixel supported video regularly. In this context, a simple tip will help you to make your YouTube video streaming much and significantly faster using a helpful command.
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How To Play YouTube HD video Streaming much Faster
How this command works ?
Many Internet Service Providers (ISP) puts down the loading time of YouTube videos from servers. As result YouTube videos are cached by host. While you run this command, it forces YouTube’s servers to push the video to you straight forward in place of the cached version. This command also helps to avoid your Internet Service Providers clamping.
Let’s go to start with command
- At first, launch Command Prompt with Administrator privilege on your Windows PC. To do it, press windows logo key on the keyboard and type cmd in the search bar. Then right-click on cmd icon at top panel search results and choose Run as administrator from right context panel.
- Next click on Yes button while you get the User Account Control window.
- Now type the following command carefully in the command prompt window.
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=”YouTubePerformanceHack” dir=in action=block remoteip=, enable=yes
- After inserting above command successfully, press Enter button on your keyboard to run it.
- If everything in the above action is done fine then you will notice an Ok message in the command prompt window.
- Now, you need to check just configured settings. So launch any HD YouTube video (only 480 pixel) in your browser. Here, you will see much enhanced buffering speed and able to stream selected videos without any barriers and hindrances after executing above the command.
Please note, we will not be held responsible if below given command acts any harmful consequences. So, follow this tip at your own risk.
command supports but youtube hd video run quickly a little bit.
guys.. it’s fully enjoy moment for me.
command supports but youtube hd video run quickly a little bit.
guys.. it’s fully enjoy moment for me.