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How to Remove Internet Explorer 10 in Windows 8

Windows 8 default Internet Explorer 10th edition is a popular and compatible browser. It offers fresh and better feel to windows users when they surf Internet through Metro screen placed Internet Explorer app. But for some reason, you wish to uninstall Internet Explorer 10 from both desktop and metro screen. Here I am providing tips to uninstall this browser.

Process to uninstall Internet Explorer app in windows 8 – 

  • At first, launch RUN dialog box by pressing shortcut Windows key + R.
  • Type command – appwiz.cpl and click on OK button.

windows 8 run command

  • Now you will get new dialog box as programs and features.
  • From left panel Click in this link – Turn Windows features on or off.
windows 8 programs and features
  • Then a new dialog box like windows features is appearing. Find Internet Explorer 10 option and uncheck the tab. Finally, click OK button.
remove internet explorer in windows 8
  • Just a warning pop-up box displays. Choose yes option.
windows 8 program features box
  • Now your Windows 8 computer asks to restart for applying new effects.

When windows 8 loads after restarting, default Internet Explorer will vanish from both locations (Desktop mode and Metro screen) permanently.


7 thoughts on “How to Remove Internet Explorer 10 in Windows 8”

  1. After reading your comment I have again tested, and Internet Explorer 10 is uninstall successfully without any trouble. So, try once more. Perhaps, you have launched Internet Explorer 10 before starting uninstallation process.

  2. After reading your comment I have again tested, and Internet Explorer 10 is uninstall successfully without any trouble. So, try once more. Perhaps, you have launched Internet Explorer 10 before starting uninstallation process.

  3. For some reason every link I click on says this crap. this does NOT uninstall IE10 it just hides it. how do you actually uninstall it??? it does not show up in control panel.

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