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How to control the Youtube Video buffering on Chrome

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Youtube usually has a very good reputation for playing or streaming the videos very smoothly, and it does really well. But sometimes the story is very different. The videos do not buffer smoothly and stop a lot. The only way out then is to pause the video which will stream the content and then click on the play button which would play the video smoothly. Sometimes this also does not happen. There are two reasons why this thing might be happening. Firstly the server provider of my region is putting a limit to my bandwidth and secondly, the video is being delivered by the different providers in which some are providing better than others. But, if you are on Google Chrome, then the extension SmartVideo for Youtube might come to your rescue. It offers a various set of features which include:

Download link: Smart Video For YouTube

  • Looping up all the videos.
  • Hiding the player settings popup.
  • Start playing videos instantly.
  • Start buffering videos instantly.
  • Start playing videos when they are buffered and define a buffer percentage as a threshold.
  • Ensuring that videos are getting buffered even if they are paused.
  • Saving the bandwidth by initializing videos only after a click.
  • Set a specific preference to the video quality.
  • Do not switch to HD on fullscreen.
  • Hiding the annotations which come by default.
  • Setting the size of the player.
  • Showing the loop button on location bar.


For all the videos that have been watched or embedded, the different settings can be selected and changed. For the videos on third-party websites, the feature of Bandwidth becomes helpful. These include the videos from those websites where you might not be interested in but the videos that have been posted on YouTube by those websites are very interesting. Then there is a very good feature of the playlist which we are all very accustomed to. This feature allows adding up of the videos and buffers to a specific percentage as a whole before they can be properly played. Thus all the problems which usually arose when the videos were played on YouTube or those which have been added by the third party websites will be solved with this extension. This alone does not translate to the fact that the videos will be instantly played as this ultimately depends upon what is the bandwidth of the internet connection which your provider provides.


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