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ModernFlyouts Enables Fluent Design Flyout for Audio, Brightness, Keys

Do you like to experience Fluent Design for Brightness, Airplane mode, and Volume flyout? You can replace the traditional Windows flyout with Metro Design using an app available in Microsoft store. ModernFlyouts is the app that allows changing the style of this aspect of the operating system. With this application, it is finally possible to replace the old-fashioned flyout for audio and music playing in Windows 10.

Upon installing this app small flyout will appear by default when activating airplane mode and pressing specific keys such as NUM LOCK, CAPS, scroll lock, and the Insert key. Furthermore, this app hosts several options for customization of the flyout and supports the Windows light and dark theme. You are able to choose the level of opacity of the panel, the time it takes for it to disappear, and where to make it appear – top right, left, and so on.

ModernFlyouts Enables Fluent Design Flyout for Audio, Brightness, lock Keys, and Airplane Mode

  1. Install ModernFlyouts from – Microsoft Store.
  2. Or, download ModernFlyouts from – Github.
  3. Once installed, click on the application name from Start menu.
  4. Choose the Default flyout from the 3 options.
  5. Select – Personalization.
  6. Change the appearance by configuring Flyout theme, App theme, Topbar visibility, Opacity, and Behavior.
  7. Click – Layout.
  8. Customize the layout by customizing Flyout placement, expand direction, and content stacking direction.
  9. Now go to Audio under Flyout module and see the options there.
  10. Similarly, customize Airplane mode, brightness, and Lock keys.
  11. Finally, Enjoy the modern fluent design of flyouts on your Windows 10.

ModernFlyouts Enables Fluent Design Flyout for Audio, Brightness, Keys


  • Fluent UI (similar to Windows 10X).
  • ModernFlyouts supports Light, Dark & High contrast themes.
  • Media session controls have extra choices, for example, Repeat, Timeline Info, Stop, and Shuffle.
  • Modernized brightness and audio flyouts moreover flyouts for Lock keys, Airplane mode, and Insert or Overtype.
  • You can disable each module separately.
  • The topbar of Flyout can be pinned, unpinned, or hidden.
  • You can drag the Flyout and it will autosave the position. It also has a feature for default position (Check out the settings).
  • Smooth Animations & Transitions.
  • The opacity of the background of flyout is changeable.
  • You are able to change the timeout of flyout.

That’s all!!

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